by Kusiluka, Moses Mpogole and Kongela, Sophia et al. (2010)
Category: Other Individuals
Prospects for Sustainable Construction Practices in Tanzania
by Kusiluka, Moses Mpogole and Kongela, Sophia (2009)
The impact of peripheral land acquisition on indigenous communities’ livelihood and environment in Tanzania – RICS
by Kusiluka, Moses Mpogole and Kongela, Sophia (2008)
Redefining Africa: The Emergence of a New African Story
Harvard Business School (2013)
Subsahara-Afrika: Die Wiederentdeckung eines Kontinents (in German)
by Golaszinski, U. (2007)
Spatial Planning with Obstacles: 40 Years of Spatial Planning in Crisis Regions and Developing Countries
by Kombe, Wilbard J. (2009)
Fragile States and Neoliberalism in Sub-Saharan Africa
by González Aimé, E. (2008)
Informal Land Management in Tanzania and the Misconception about its Illegality
by Kombe, Wilbard J. (2001)
Formal and Informal Land Management in Tanzania: The Case of Dar-Es-Salaam City
by Kombe, Wilbard J. (1995)
A Systemic Analysis of Land Markets and Land Institutions in West African Cities – Rules and Practices – The Case of Bamako, Mali
by Durand-Lasserve, Alain, Maÿlis, Selod, Harris (2013)